We help our clients turn ideas into solutions

Christophe Canavese,
Managing Director

AnalySe, prioritise, and formalise your needs

With extensive experience in implementing digital solutions across various sectors, CTI Consulting helps you identify and formalise your needs to acquire or design new solutions. 

Our consultants independently and impartially assist in defining requirements and drafting specifications, aiming to reduce costs and create value. 

If you’re considering digitising your business processes, our digital maturity assessment identifies improvement opportunities and recommends changes for the development and sustainability of your organisation.


Ride and Buy – Assistance in designing an award-winning app that secured three prizes!
Ride and Buy – Assistance in designing an award-winning app that secured three prizes!
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The City of Hannut collaborated with our consultants to define features, draft specifications, and oversee the development of a new mobile app using a scrum framework. The app's goal is to motivate and reward citizens for using eco-friendly transportation while promoting local businesses.
Liège Airport Business Park – Integrated Management Software Acquisition
Liège Airport Business Park – Integrated Management Software Acquisition
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Liège Airport Business Park, a subsidiary of Liège Airport, called upon CTI Consulting to assist in defining requirements and drafting specifications to acquire an IWMS (Integrated Workspace Management System).
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – A mobile app to engage schools in the ecological transition
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – A mobile app to engage schools in the ecological transition
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The Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles called upon our consultants to assist in designing and overseeing the development of a mobile app that motivates schools to launch challenges contributing to the ecological transition plan.
Digital Strategy of the Social Service of the Walloon Government Services.
Digital Strategy of the Social Service of the Walloon Government Services.
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The SSRW enlisted our consultants to conduct a digital assessment and develop a digital roadmap aimed at enhancing the quality of services provided to beneficiaries.
Needs Analysis and ERP Implementation
Needs Analysis and ERP Implementation
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Our client, a growing SME, benefited from the advice and support of our consultants in selecting the ERP solution that best suited their needs. Our team also assisted in organising the implementation of this new tool and helped anticipate the managerial challenges associated with the change.